First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone*
You must be over 21 years of age to foster to adopt or adopt from NASRN. By checking the "Yes" box, you are certifying that you are at least 21 years old and you are able to provide documentation to prove this.
I agree to provide temporary foster care for the following animal(s) from NASRN. Please List the name, age and location of dog you are providing FTA care for. *
I understand that: NASRN is entering into this Foster-to-Adopt Agreement (FTA) as a courtesy to me to allow me to have custody of this animal for a maximum of 45 days when a final decision will be made and I may or may not finalize the adoption process. PLEASE NOTE: This does not apply to puppies under the age of 6 months old unless previously agreed upon by foster and NASRN.
If this dog is under the age of six (6) months old, I agree to have the dog spayed or neutered when it reaches the age no more than 12 months old. I agree to provide proof of spay/neuter to NASRN. If I wish to adopt this dog after spay/neuter surgery, I agree to pay for the cost of surgery in lieu of an adoption fee.
I understand that: I must comply with NASRN policies concerning this animal while he/she is still in temporary foster care.
I understand that the custody of this animal will be temporary until the adoption process is complete. As a temporary home for NASRN, with the intention of adopting the fostered animal, I agree to comply with the following conditions and requirements: NASRN Foster to Adopt Contract I agree to pay the regular adoption fee for this dog at the time I enter into the FTA agreement. Fee is to be paid at the time this document is signed. NOTE: If the dog is too young or not healthy enough for sterilization at this time, the FTA applicant agrees to pay for sterilization in lieu of adoption fee. PUPPIES must be sterilized by age of 6 months. DOGS must be sterilized as soon as they are healthy enough for surgery.
I understand that: The animal is and shall remain the sole property of the NASRN until or unless the adoption is finalized and completed. I understand that I have 45 days to determine whether or not I wish to finalize the adoption. Should more time be needed, it must be approved by NASRN no less than 2 weeks prior to end of FTA period.
I understand that, if for any reason, the adoption is not finalized, the dog shall be returned to NASRN and the adoption fee will be refunded. I agree to care for the dog until NASRN is able to secure a new foster home for the dog or until the dog is adopted into a permanent home.
I understand and agree to provide the animal with good care, including, but not limited to, proper food, fresh water, shelter, exercise, grooming, training and medication when required. All NASRN animals will have ID on at all times.
I will comply with all instructions received from NASRN and will not deviate from any instructions as to the care and maintenance of the dog without consulting with a representative of NASRN.
I agree to maintain the dog as my own household pet(s) and companion(s). I also agree to comply with all state laws and local ordinances applicable to dogs.
I agree to keep the dog under my control and not let dogs roam freely outside of home or fenced yard. Keeping a dog on a chain, rope, dog-run or similar device is not permitted.
I agree that I will provide a safe and loving home environment. Dogs are not to be excessively crated (not more than a total of 4 hours in a 24 hour period).
I will provide basic training or reinforcement of proper house manners and obedience skills. This training will be done only by positive reinforcement. At no time will the foster to adopt home use punishment as a training tool.
I agree to the following protocol in regard to veterinary care: I will be provided with veterinary records that show that the animal has received appropriate veterinary care to date and is in good health or if there are any exceptions that I should be made aware of. If the dog needs medical attention, a member of NASRN must be contacted immediately and must approve all vet visits. PLEASE NOTE: Unauthorized vet visits may not be reimbursed. All vet visits must be pre approved beforehand.
I understand that this agreement is not transferable. If I am unable to care for the animal I will return it to NASRN. I understand that I do not have the right, or the authority, to adopt out or give this animal away to anyone. NASRN reserves the right to take legal action against anyone that gives away one of their rescue dogs without their (NASRN) consent.
I understand that it is my responsibility to provide temporary, responsible pet care for this animal when I go on vacation. I understand that this must be approved by NASRN prior to my departure. I also understand that I must provide NASRN with name, location and contact information of where the foster dog will be in my absence. I understand that NASRN reserves the right to make other arrangements for a care provider for the dog in your absence.
I understand that other animals in my household could be exposed to medical or behavioral conditions that have not been recognized in the foster animal placed with me by NASRN, and NASRN is not liable for any disease or injury of my own companion animals, livestock or other exposed animal.
I agree not to attempt to hold NASRN responsible for any damages which the animal may do to any person or property. I specifically release NASRN of any responsibility pertaining to any damage to property or personal injury or any occurrence relating to the dog and shall hold NASRN harmless regarding any damage or injury(ies) of any nature whatsoever, and agree to notify NASRN immediately of any damages and/or injury(ies).
I recognize this is a legal, binding agreement and, using my electronic signature, have signed this agreement freely and voluntarily.
I verify that this is my electronic signature and I am providing my current address, phone number and email address.*